keskiviikko 28. syyskuuta 2016

Week 39

Mon 26.9.

Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 6B, 6C and 6D

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: 1) Prepare to talk about your hobby for 5 minutes
2) What advice would you give to a foreigner who has been invited to a Finnish home as a guest.

Destination 1
Homework: task 3, 6 and 8

Tue 27.9.

Ten O'clock English
Homework: p. 204-209

Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Click here for classroom material
Homework: Prepare to talk about some happy event in your life (max 5min) 

More English
Click here for classroom material
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!

Thu 29.9.

More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes! 

Steps 3
Homework: Keksi lisää ammatteja s. 86-87, epäsäännölliset verbit be-forgive s. 218

Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 6B, 6C and 6D

Rohkaistu puhumaan
Homework: Valmistaudu puhumaa vapaavalintaisesta aiheesta 5min.

Videos of the week:
Questions to ask in a restaurant. (helppo) Click here
Different meanings of 'get' and how to use them. (keskitaso) Click here

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Week 10

  Monday 3.3.2025  11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...