keskiviikko 7. joulukuuta 2016
Phrasal Verbs videos
I promised my Preposition Class that I would post these videos here after the course. So, here they are for everyone to enjoy.
Phrasal Verbs 'Put'
Phrasal Verbs 'Hang'
Phrasal Verbs 'Hold'
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All
Thank you all for this autumn. I hope you have time to relax and enjoy this Christmas break.
In Järvenpää, we will continue in week 2.
New Kerava Opisto courses start in week 4.
See you in January.
keskiviikko 23. marraskuuta 2016
Week 47
Mon 21.11.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: tasks 7 and 8
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Strange Weather -moniste
Destination 1
Homework: s. 47 (kirjoita vastaukset), s. 51 Kirjoita 10 lausetta. Mitä sinulla on? Missä ne ovat?
7pm Prepositiot Haltuun
Homework: Phil's Wallet -moniste, Socializing and Leisure -moniste.
Tue 22.11.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: Loput kieliopit, 5.1.D, 5.1.E + Thanksgiving -moniste (optional)
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Homework: Strange Weather -moniste
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 24.11.
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: 18, 19 and 20
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: tasks 7 and 8
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Homework: Strange Weather -moniste
keskiviikko 16. marraskuuta 2016
Week 46
Mon 14.10.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 2A, 2C and 4
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Grammar Thanksgiving -moniste
Destination 1
Homework: Lisäharjoitus 4, (myös 11 ja 12), sanat s, 46
7pm Prepositiot Haltuun
Homework: At Easter -moniste, Feelings Phrasal Verbs moniste. Katso alla olevat videot.
Phrasal Verbs with 'Over'
Phrasal Verbs about Clothes
Tue 15.11.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: text 5.1, 5.1A, lue adj. vertailu, 5.1C
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Homework: Thanksgiving -moniste
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 17.11.
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: harjoitukset 14 ja 15
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 2A, 2C, 4 ja 4A
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Videos of the week:
The Story of the Mayflower
History of Thanksgiving
keskiviikko 9. marraskuuta 2016
Week 45
Mon 7.10.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: Word Stress. Lisätehtävä 1 ristikko
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Grammar In The News -moniste
Destination 1
Homework: sanat s. 44
7pm Prepositiot Haltuun
Homework: Feelings Phrasal Verbs moniste. Katso alla olevat videot.
Phrasal Verbs with 'Off'
Phrasal Verbs with 'Get'
Tue 8.11.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: Pitfalls, Forget the Finglish, Grammar in the News -moniste
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 10.11.
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: Harjoitus 8: Kerro kuinka tulet oppitunnille.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: Word Stress
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Homework: Grammar in the News -moniste (2-puolinen)
Video of the week: 5 Common British English Expressions!
perjantai 4. marraskuuta 2016
Week 44
Mon 31.10.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: task 6, page 111, ABC Quiz, p. 115
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Prepare to tell a (scary) story or three English jokes
Destination 1
Homework: 11 page 42
7pm Prepositiot Haltuun
Homework: Ajan ilmauksia -moniste, käännä lauseet englanniksi
Tue 1.11.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: pp. 224-225
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Homework: Halloween -moniste?
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 3.11.
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: liikennemerkit -moniste, harjoitus s. 99
Stepping Stones 1
Homework:5A, 6, ABC Quiz, p. 115
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Homework: Crime -monisteet, teksti ja sanasto
Videos of the week:
Numerot (klikkaa tästä)
In a British supermarket (keskitason englantia) Click here
keskiviikko 26. lokakuuta 2016
Week 43
Mon 24.10.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: harjoitukset 3 ja 4
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Prepare to talk about Halloween
Destination 1
Homework: - tee loput lauseet (thirsty, happy), harjoitus 5 (s. 35), Lue s. 36-37
7pm Prepositiot Haltuun
Homework: Paikan prepositiot (moniste), Phrasal verbs: harjoitukset 6 ja 7
Tue 25.10.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: pp. 221-222, 4.5B
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Homework: Road Safety text. Click here for material
Prepare to talk about road safety.
More English
Click here for material
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 27.10.
More English
Click here for material
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: text 3, page 97
Stepping Stones 1
Homework:Halloween -moniste
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Homework: Click here for material
Videos of the week:10 Phrasal verbs Click here
15 Tips for Finnish Click here
perjantai 14. lokakuuta 2016
Have a nice Autumn Break / Prepositiokurssi
There are no classes on week 42 due to annual Autumn Break.
Relax, Enjoy and Speak a lot of English!!!!
Prepositio -kurssi Keravalla heti loman jälkeen. Kiinnostaako?
Katso tästä lisää
Week 41
Mon 10.10.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: p. 101: 1A, 1B, 2A
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: 1) Prepare to talk about something that has happened during last two weeks.
Destination 1
Homework: pages 32-33 + sanamoniste
Tue 11.10.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: pp. 217-219
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Classroom material
Homework: Prepare to talk about something that has happened during last two week (max 5min)
More English
Classroom material
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 13.10.
More English
Classroom material
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: harj. 18, 19, 20 ja 21
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: p. 101: 1A, 1B, 2A
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Classroom material
Homework: Valmistaudu puhumaa vapaavalintaisesta aiheesta
(ulkomaanmatka/harrastus/lempielokuva/lempimusiikki tms.) 5min.
Video of the week: Suomalaisia sanoja, joita ei ole englannissa.
Click here
keskiviikko 5. lokakuuta 2016
Week 40
Mon 3.10.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: sanat 7, 9 ja 10. Lisäharjoitus 4, harjoitukset 9 ja 9A
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: 1) Prepare to talk about Finnish people. What are they like?
Destination 1
Homework: page 30
Tue 4.10.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: pp. 211-213
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Homework: Prepare to talk about a current news topic (max 5min)
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 6.10.
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: verbit: freeze-write, teksti 15 ja harjoitus 16
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: tasks 9, 9A
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Homework: Valmistaudu puhumaa vapaavalintaisesta aiheesta
(ulkomaanmatka/harrastus/lempielokuva/lempimusiikki tms.) 5min.
Videos of the week:
10 sanaa, jotka helposti ääntää väärin Click here
The Common Mistakes Finns Make. Click here
keskiviikko 28. syyskuuta 2016
Week 39
Mon 26.9.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 6B, 6C and 6D
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: 1) Prepare to talk about your hobby for 5 minutes
2) What advice would you give to a foreigner who has been invited to a Finnish home as a guest.
Destination 1
Homework: task 3, 6 and 8
Tue 27.9.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: p. 204-209
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Click here for classroom material
Homework: Prepare to talk about some happy event in your life (max 5min)
More English
Click here for classroom material
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 29.9.
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: Keksi lisää ammatteja s. 86-87, epäsäännölliset verbit be-forgive s. 218
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 6B, 6C and 6D
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Homework: Valmistaudu puhumaa vapaavalintaisesta aiheesta 5min.
Videos of the week:
Questions to ask in a restaurant. (helppo) Click here
Different meanings of 'get' and how to use them. (keskitaso) Click here
tiistai 20. syyskuuta 2016
Week 38
Mon 19.9.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 5B, 5C
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Choose a topic about the UK (city, famous place, person etc.) Prepare to talk about it for 5 minutes.
Destination 1
Homework: Harjoittele sivujen 14-17 sanontoja.
Tue 20.9.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: pp: 202-203
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Click here for material
Homework: Prepare a topic about the UK. (5min)
More English
Click here for material
Homework: Prepare a topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 22.9.
More English
Click here for material
Homework: Prepare a news topic of your own choice and share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: text 8, tasks 9, 10
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 5A, 5B and 5C
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Click here for material
Homework: Prepare a topic of your own choice. (5min)
Video of the week:
Click here
perjantai 9. syyskuuta 2016
Week 37
Mon 12.9.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework:Task 4A + new words
English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Choose a topic about USA (city, famous place, person etc.) Prepare to talk about it for 5 minutes.
Destination 1
Homework: Numbers 1-100, Alphabets
Tue 13.9.
Ten O'clock English
Homework: pp: 200-201
Helppoa Englannin keskustelua
Click here for material
More English
Click here for material
Homework: Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Thu 15.9.
More English
Click here for material
Homework: Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 5 minutes!
Steps 3
Homework: Tasks 3 and 4.
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: Task 4A + new words
Rohkaistu puhumaan
Click here for material
Homework: Valitse aihe kiinnostuksesi mukaan. Kerro siitä ryhmällesi (5 min)
Video of the week:
Every year in September Americans and Canadians celebrate Labor Day. Click here to find out what it is.
sunnuntai 28. elokuuta 2016
Week 36
Tue 6.9.
4pm 'Helppoa englannin keskustelua'
Click here for material
5.30pm 'More English'
Click here for the material
Video of the week:
Food idioms
4pm 'Helppoa englannin keskustelua'
Click here for material
5.30pm 'More English'
Click here for the material
Video of the week:
Food idioms
lauantai 2. heinäkuuta 2016
July 4th
July 4th is the American Independence Day. Here you can learn something about this great celebration.
Click here
Click here
keskiviikko 15. kesäkuuta 2016
Have a good summer
Hello everybody,
A month ago I promised that would post something here before I go on summer holiday. So, here it is!
Here's an interesting video about 'Food Idioms'. It's quite easy to understand. I hope you'll enjoy it.
Food Idioms
The following video is about 'Brexit' (Britain's exit from the EU). There will be a EU referendum (EU kansanäänestys) in the UK on June, 23th. This video teaches us some vocabulary of 'Brexit'.
Brexit vocabulary -video (B2-C1 level)
Here are also links to the courses. Remember to sign up!
Ilmoittautuminen Järvenpään Opiston syksyn kursseille
Keravan Opiston opinto-ohjelma
Have a good summer! See you in September!
perjantai 13. toukokuuta 2016
Funny English
Here's a funny English video which teaches you spoken English. It's easy to follow as it has subtitles. If it's too long you can watch it in many parts. Enjoy and have a good summer.
I will post something on this blog in mid June.
Click here
torstai 7. huhtikuuta 2016
Week 14
Mon 4.4.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: Sana-moniste
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Prepare to talk about your summer plans.
Tue 5.4.
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 7.4.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: harjoitus 19
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Viimeisellä kerralla pidetään nyyttärit.
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
perjantai 1. huhtikuuta 2016
Week 13
Tue 29.3.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: Choose a song/music that you like. Prepare to talk about 'Nostalgia'.
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Choose a song/music that you like. Prepare to talk about 'Nostalgia'.
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 31.3.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: 16, 17
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: käännösharjoitus 11
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
torstai 24. maaliskuuta 2016
Week 12
Mon 21.3.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: 9A, 11 and 12
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Prepare to talk about the music/musician/composer/song you like.
Tue 22.3.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: Pronouns article. pp. 195-196.
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Prepare to talk about something that has happened in Finland or in some other country.
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
lauantai 19. maaliskuuta 2016
torstai 17. maaliskuuta 2016
Easter in Finland
Next week is Holy Week. It starts with Palm Sunday. The next three days are just called: Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday and Holy Wednesday. Then comes Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.
Finally it's Easter Sunday and Ester Monday. The following short video tells something about Finnish Easter traditions.
Click here
Week 11
Mon 14.3.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: 7B, 7C
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Prepare to talk about the TV programme you like.
Tue 15.3.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: Pronouns article. Choose a former U.S. President and prepare to talk about him.
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Jaetun monisteen alaosa: 12 adjektiivia ja 3 kysymystä. Prepare to talk about them.
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 17.3.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: 13, 14
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: 7B, 7C
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
torstai 10. maaliskuuta 2016
Sleep vocabulary and expressions
Here's a great video to learn some sleeping vocabulary.
Enjoy! Don't fall asleep, though:)
Click here
Week 10
Mon 7.3.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: 5D, 6B
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Prepare to talk about one former U.S. president.
Tue 8.3.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: Possessives: exercises; presidential elections (handout) text + vocabulary
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Prepare to talk about jobs / work
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 10.3.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: 6, 8, texts 9 and 10
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: 5D, 6B
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
perjantai 4. maaliskuuta 2016
Week 9
Mon 29.2.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: 2B, 3B and 4B
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Prepare to talk about Presidential Candidates in the US.
Tue 1.3.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: 3.5 text, look at 185-187, Follow the presidential candidates in the US..
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 3.3.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: write 1-2, text 3, 4
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Step 4: 2B, 3B and 4B
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
perjantai 19. helmikuuta 2016
Week 7
Mon 15.2.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Stop 1: s. 64-66
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Prepare to talk about art (15 minutes)
Click here for video 'Modern Art Insults me'
Tue 16.2.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: 3.3. pp. 180-183.
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Prepare to talk about 'holiday'.
Watch this video about 'Advice'.
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 18.2.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Gender Pricing video 1
Gender Pricing video 2
1pm Steps 3
Homework: Tunnilla jaetun monisteen toinen puoli
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Stop 1: s. 64-66
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
keskiviikko 10. helmikuuta 2016
Week 6
Mon 8.2.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Stop 1: 2A, 3A, 4A, 4B, ABC Quiz
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Translate EU Language hand-out
Tue 9.2.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: 3.3. Articles (special cases) pp. 176-179) + watch 'Modern Art Insults Me' -video.
Click here
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Prepare to talk about ART: your favourite film, painting/painter, poem/poet, composer/piece of music/song, pop-art/artist etc. CHOOSE ONE!
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 11.2.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: Stop 1: tasks 7, 8 and 9
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: Stop 1: 2A, 3A, 4A, 4B, ABC Quiz
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
torstai 4. helmikuuta 2016
Week 5
Mon 1.2.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: 10A. 10B. 11A, 11C
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Translate 'Sleeping' -article
Tue 2.2.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: 3.2.B, 3.2C, 3.2.D
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Prepare to talk about the quality of life: sports, food, health, hobbies...
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 4.2.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: 15, 17 and 19
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: 10A. 10B. 11A, 11C
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
torstai 28. tammikuuta 2016
Week 4
Mon 25.1.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: text 8, 8A, 8B and 8C
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Translate 'Fairy Tales' -article
Tue 26.1.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: 3.2.text, pp. 170-173
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Prepare to talk about a story/fairy tale that you like.
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 28.1.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: tasks 11, 12 and 13
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: text 8, 8A, 8B and 8C
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
torstai 21. tammikuuta 2016
Week 3
Mon 18.1.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: p. 47: Grammar, task 5; p 48: Task 6
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: 'Nuisance calls' -handout, prepare to talk more about the topic!
Tue 19.1.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: 3.1B, 3.1C, 3.1D, 'Pronunciation' handout
4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Translate 'Nuisance calls' handout
5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
Thu 21.1.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: task 5, prepositiot s. 46, task 9
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: p. 47: Grammar, task 5; p 48: Task 6
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
perjantai 15. tammikuuta 2016
Week 2
Mon 11.1.
12:30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: task 2A, 3ABC
2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Tue 12.1.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: Tasks 2.8 D, 3.1 text
Thu 14.1.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
1pm Steps 3
Homework: 4, 6 text and 7
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: 2A, 2C, 3ABC
7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!
lauantai 2. tammikuuta 2016
Bournemouthin kielimatkainfo Keravan Opistolla ti 12.1. klo 18
Nyt on hyvä tilaisuus lähteä kielikurssille Englantiin. Jo perinteeksi muodostunut loppukevään kielimatka järjestetään tänä vuonna Bournemouthin kaupunkiin Etelä-Englantiin.
Tule mukaan kuulemaan matkasta lisää Keravan Opistolle ti 12.1. klo 18.
Lisätietoa matkasta tästä linkistä.
The Greatest Words and Phrases of 2015
Thank you all for the year 2015. I wish you all a Happy New Year 2016.
Here are some words that became famous in 2015. Hope you'll enjoy them.
Click here
Here are some words that became famous in 2015. Hope you'll enjoy them.
Click here
Blogitekstit (Atom)
Week 10
Monday 3.3.2025 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...
This is my new blog! From now on you can find here... 1) your homework 2) English language material See you soon!
Week 41 Monday 7.10. 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homwork; Lisätehtävämoniste 1, Unit 4, teksti A 5pm Destinations 1 (Järv...