Monday 29 October
12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Tasks 8b and 9 on page 39
14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Immigrant Caravan -moniste: Connect sentences(moniste)
17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Kirjoita lauseita harj. 11
19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti
Tuesday 30 October
16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)
17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisäharjoitus 11 (prepositions)
Halloween video: Klikkaa tästä
Easy book to read: Tuesdays with Morrie / Mitch Albom
Wednesday 31 October
12.30 Catching Up
Homework: page 149: 1-6
Thursday 1 November
10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.
19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kotona: -
keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2018
perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2018
Week 43
Monday 22 October
12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: tasks 3 and 5 + grammar (pages 33-35)
14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Nice people -moniste: new words
17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 3 (moniste)
19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti
Homework: -
Tuesday 23 October
16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)
17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Kirjoita lauseita teht. 11
Wednesday 24 October
12.30 Catching Up
Homework: Find English jokes / translate Finnish jokes into English
Thursday 25 October
10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.
19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kotona: -
torstai 11. lokakuuta 2018
Relaxing Autumn Holiday
Just to remind everyone that in week 42 (15Oct-21Oct) there are no classes in Opisto.
Have a good and relaxing autumn holiday.
See you in week 43.
Picture by LonelyPlanet
Week 41
Monday 8 October
12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Finale -tehtävät s. 30
14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Divorce -moniste: new words
17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 30. Good to be back -text + words
Destinations 2 Unit 2
Tuesday 9 October
16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)
17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 3 + teksti B
Destinations 2 Unit 2
Wednesday 10 October
12.30 Catching Up
Homework: task 5, p. 142
Thursday 11 October
10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.
19.00 Kiinan alkeet
keskiviikko 3. lokakuuta 2018
Week 40
Monday 1 October
12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Lisäharjoitus 5
14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Write a short story. Topic: What does Lake Tuusula mean to me? A question for Ben Lecomte (swimmer in our previous text).
17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 27: task 18, page28 Huviksi ja hyödyksi
Destinations 2 Unit 2
Tuesday 2 October
16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Write a short story: The sea (What does it mean to me?)
17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 30. Good to be back -text + words
Destinations 2 Unit 2
19.00 Prepositio -kurssi
Kotitehtävä: Jaetut kotitehtävämonisteet
Wednesday 3 October
12.30 Catching Up
Homework: pp. 138-139
Thursday 4 September
10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.
19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Blogitekstit (Atom)
Week 10
Monday 3.3.2025 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...
This is my new blog! From now on you can find here... 1) your homework 2) English language material See you soon!
Week 41 Monday 7.10. 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homwork; Lisätehtävämoniste 1, Unit 4, teksti A 5pm Destinations 1 (Järv...