keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2018

Week 44

Monday 29 October

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Tasks 8b and 9 on page 39

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Immigrant Caravan -moniste: Connect sentences(moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Kirjoita lauseita harj. 11

19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti

Tuesday 30 October

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisäharjoitus 11 (prepositions)
Halloween video: Klikkaa tästä
Easy book to read: Tuesdays with Morrie / Mitch Albom

Wednesday 31 October

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: page 149: 1-6

Thursday 1 November

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kotona: -

perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2018

Week 43

Monday 22 October

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: tasks 3 and 5 + grammar (pages 33-35)

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Nice people -moniste: new words

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 3 (moniste)

19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti
Homework: -

Tuesday 23 October

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Kirjoita lauseita teht. 11

Wednesday 24 October

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: Find English jokes / translate Finnish jokes into English

Thursday 25 October

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kotona: -

torstai 11. lokakuuta 2018

Relaxing Autumn Holiday

Just to remind everyone that in week 42 (15Oct-21Oct) there are no classes in Opisto.

Have a good and relaxing autumn holiday.

See you in week 43.

Picture by LonelyPlanet

Week 41

Monday 8 October

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Finale -tehtävät s. 30

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Divorce -moniste: new words

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 30. Good to be back -text + words
Destinations 2 Unit 2 

Tuesday 9 October

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 3 + teksti B
Destinations 2 Unit 2  

Wednesday 10 October

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: task 5, p. 142

Thursday 11 October

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet

keskiviikko 3. lokakuuta 2018

Week 40

Monday 1 October

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework:  Lisäharjoitus 5

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Write a short story. Topic: What does Lake Tuusula mean to me? A question for Ben Lecomte (swimmer in our previous text).

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 27: task 18, page28 Huviksi ja hyödyksi
Destinations 2 Unit 2 

Tuesday 2 October

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Write a short story: The sea (What does it mean to me?)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 30. Good to be back -text + words
Destinations 2 Unit 2  

19.00 Prepositio -kurssi
Kotitehtävä: Jaetut kotitehtävämonisteet 

Wednesday 3 October

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: pp. 138-139

Thursday 4 September

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet

Week 10

  Monday 3.3.2025  11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...