perjantai 30. marraskuuta 2018

Linkki englannin ääntämyssivulle

'Hyvästi Rallienglanti' -kurssilaiset

Tässä linkki, jonka lupasin laittaa. (Muutkin saavat tietysti katsoa :)


t. Janne

torstai 22. marraskuuta 2018

Let's sing Christmas Carols (Dec 3)

Tule mukaan laulamaan perinteisiä englantilaisia joululauluja. 
Auttavalla englanninkielellä ja lauluäänelläkin pärjää. 

Week 47

Monday 19 November

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: task 7 on page 53

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: - 

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: text B on page 50

19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti
Homework:The rhythmn practice: The house that Jack built
Videolinkki tyyppillisiin ääntämysvirheisiin. Click here

Tuesday 20 November

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Read the texts

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 56

Wednesday21 November

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: Text on page 156, task 4 Shop till you drop

Thursday 22 November

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kiinan itseopiskelutyökaluja:
Pinyin harjoituksia

keskiviikko 14. marraskuuta 2018

Week 46

Monday 12 November

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: tasks 3 and 4

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: sanaharjoitukset monisteesta Lie Detector

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: 3 and 4ab, Lisäharjoitukset 5 ja 6

19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti

Tuesday 13 November

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Read the texts

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: text B, page 50

Wednesday14 November

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: Task 8, page 162

Thursday 15 November

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet

keskiviikko 7. marraskuuta 2018

Week 45

Monday 5 November

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Task 10, Finale, Cat poem

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Art Therapy -moniste: Connect sentences(moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisäharjoitus 11

19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti

Tuesday 6 November

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: 3, 4ab, Lisäharjoitus 5 ja 6
Guy Fawkes Night / Bonfire Night -video: Click here

Wednesday7 November

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: write a short story about an actor/actress/comedian that you find especially funny.

Thursday 8 November

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Video 1
Video 2
Videoita (New Practical Chinese Reader)
New Practical Chinese Reader (textbook+audio)

lauantai 3. marraskuuta 2018

keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2018

Week 44

Monday 29 October

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Tasks 8b and 9 on page 39

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Immigrant Caravan -moniste: Connect sentences(moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Kirjoita lauseita harj. 11

19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti

Tuesday 30 October

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisäharjoitus 11 (prepositions)
Halloween video: Klikkaa tästä
Easy book to read: Tuesdays with Morrie / Mitch Albom

Wednesday 31 October

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: page 149: 1-6

Thursday 1 November

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kotona: -

perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2018

Week 43

Monday 22 October

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: tasks 3 and 5 + grammar (pages 33-35)

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Nice people -moniste: new words

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 3 (moniste)

19.00 Hyvästi Rallienglanti
Homework: -

Tuesday 23 October

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Kirjoita lauseita teht. 11

Wednesday 24 October

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: Find English jokes / translate Finnish jokes into English

Thursday 25 October

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kotona: -

torstai 11. lokakuuta 2018

Relaxing Autumn Holiday

Just to remind everyone that in week 42 (15Oct-21Oct) there are no classes in Opisto.

Have a good and relaxing autumn holiday.

See you in week 43.

Picture by LonelyPlanet

Week 41

Monday 8 October

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Finale -tehtävät s. 30

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Divorce -moniste: new words

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 30. Good to be back -text + words
Destinations 2 Unit 2 

Tuesday 9 October

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Connect the words (moniste)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 3 + teksti B
Destinations 2 Unit 2  

Wednesday 10 October

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: task 5, p. 142

Thursday 11 October

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet

keskiviikko 3. lokakuuta 2018

Week 40

Monday 1 October

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework:  Lisäharjoitus 5

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Write a short story. Topic: What does Lake Tuusula mean to me? A question for Ben Lecomte (swimmer in our previous text).

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 27: task 18, page28 Huviksi ja hyödyksi
Destinations 2 Unit 2 

Tuesday 2 October

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Write a short story: The sea (What does it mean to me?)

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 30. Good to be back -text + words
Destinations 2 Unit 2  

19.00 Prepositio -kurssi
Kotitehtävä: Jaetut kotitehtävämonisteet 

Wednesday 3 October

12.30 Catching Up
Homework: pp. 138-139

Thursday 4 September

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet

perjantai 28. syyskuuta 2018

Week 39

Monday 24 September

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework:  task 4 on page 20. Extra task 2 (handout)

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Tehtävät jaetusta monisteesta

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: s. 19: Harjoitus 8. Kirjoita 10 lausetta asioista joista tykkäät / et tykkää

Tuesday 25 September

10.00 Ten O'clock English
Homework: page 128: Järjestele huonekalut toimistoon, Kerro, missä ne sijaitsevat.

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Harjoitukset jaetusta monisteesta

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: page 27: task 18, page28 Huviksi ja hyödyksi 

19.00 Prepositio -kurssi
Kotitehtävä: Jaetut kotitehtävämonisteet

Thursday 27 September

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of your own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kotona: kirjoita 10 lausetta, jossa käytät perheenjäseniä.

torstai 20. syyskuuta 2018

Week 38

Monday 17 September

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Task 5 on page 14. Write questions. Unit 1 What's on?: Text A + words

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Tehtävät jaetusta monisteesta

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Tutustu kielioppiin s. 20-21

Tuesday 18 September

10.00 Ten O'clock English
Homework:  p. 123 task 9. Write about a company / business

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Harjoitukset jaetusta monisteesta

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: p. 19 task 8: Write at least 10 sentences from the examples. 

19.00 Prepositio -kurssi
Kotitehtävä: Jaetut kotitehtävämonisteet

Thursday 20 September

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of our own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet

torstai 13. syyskuuta 2018

Week 37

Monday 10 September

12.30 Destinations 4
Homework: Write a short story about your summer / holiday trip.

14.00 English Club for Senior Citizens
Homework: Tehtävät 2 ja 3 jaetuista monisteista

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Lisäharjoitukset 3 ja 4

Tuesday 11 September

10.00 Ten O'clock English
Homework: Write about your work/career (c. 300 words)

16.00 Helppoa keskustelua
Homework: Harjoitukset 1 ja 2 monisteesta

17.30 Destinations 2
Homework: Tutki ss. 20-21 kielioppia: olla verbit mennyt muoto / kellonajat 

19.00 Prepositio -kurssi
Kotitehtävä: Jaetut kotitehtävämonisteet

Thursday 13 September

10.00 More English
Homework: Prepare to introduce a news topic of our own choice.

19.00 Kiinan alkeet
Kotona: Tutustu jaetun monisteen toiseen puoleen.

lauantai 31. maaliskuuta 2018

Week 14

Tue 3 April
Ten O'clock English
Homework: Page 111 / Task 5. page 112/ Task 6

Wed 4 March
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 8B, 8C (page 51)

Thu 5 March
More English
Homework: Prepare to talk about the news topic of your own choice.

English for you too, 4
Homework: Tasks 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 (pages 120-122) 

Destination 1
Homework: Task 5 (page 113), Huviksi ja hyödyksi (page 118)

torstai 22. maaliskuuta 2018

Happy Easter!

Next Week is the Easter Week. So remember that there are no classes on Maundy Thursday
(29 March).

 Kuvahaun tulos haulle happy easter charlie brown


Mon 26 March

English for you too, 4
Homework: Task 9

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Prepare to discuss out topic (Pregnant woman fined)

Destination 2
Homework: Task 11, (p. 52), Lisätehtävä 6, 10b

Tue 27 March

Ten O'clock English
Homework: Prepare to tell abut your a) own work or b) your dream job?

Wed 28 March
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: Task 6 (p. 48) Write sentences. Text 8 (p. 49-50)

Thu 22 March
More English
Homework: NO CLASS! Next class 4, April.
English for you too, 4
NO CLASS! Next class 4, April.
Homework: Task 5 (p. 119), task 9 

Destination 1
NO CLASS! Next class 4, April.
Homework: Task 5 (p. 113), Huviksi ja hyödyksi (p. 118)

perjantai 16. maaliskuuta 2018

Week 12

Mon 19 March

English for you too, 4
Homework: Unit 8 + task 1

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Prepare to continue discussion about guns.

Destination 2
Homework: Kielioppi p. 48-49, text B (p. 50) + sanat

Tue 20 March

Ten O'clock English
Homework: Tell about your favourite song and its lyrics. / Poem

Wed 21 March
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 2A & 2C, 3 Time flies, read/translate, 3A, 3B and 3C

Thu 22 March
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic to discuss

English for you too, 4
Homework: Unit 8 + harjoitus 1

Destination 1
Homework: harjoitus 11 (s. 102) + s. Huviksi ja hyödyksi.

perjantai 9. maaliskuuta 2018

Week 11

Mon 12 March

English for you too, 4
Homework: Unit 7: tasks 1 and 7

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Think about 'crying baby' -discussion questions.

Destination 2
Homework: tasks 3, 4, 4b and 5 Kirjoita omasta pukeutumisesta. Mitä sinulla on päälläsi?

Tue 13 March

Ten O'clock English
Homework: Tell about the book you've read recently.

Wed 14 March
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: Tasks 11B, 12 and 13

Thu 15 March
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic to discuss

English for you too, 4
Homework: Unit 7: tasks 1 and 7

Destination 1
Homework: task 6 on page 88, Finale on page 92

torstai 1. maaliskuuta 2018

Week 10

Mon 5 March

English for you too, 4
Homework: Unit 7 text, task 2

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: How has dating changed over the years?

Destination 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 11. Unit 3 text A

Tue 6 March

Ten O'clock English
Homework: Tell about your last cultural experience (theatre, cinema, concert or aything you consider to be 'culture'.

Helppoa englannin keskustelua
No homework

Helppoa englannin kertausta (Destinations 3)
Homework: Finale -tehtävä

7pm Keskitason englantia: Stepping Stones 2
Homework: 7A, B and C

Wed 7 March
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 7D and 9B

Thu 8 March
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic to discuss

English for you too, 4
Homework: Unit 7 text, task 2

Destination 1
Homework: Lisätehtävät 2, 11 ja 12

keskiviikko 21. helmikuuta 2018

Week 9

Mon 26 February

English for you too, 4
Homework: tasks  2, 4, 7 and 8 (pp. 94-98)

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Think of good reasons why Finland is the best country in the world.

Destination 2
Homework: Lisätehtävät 2 ja 3

Tue 27 February

Ten O'clock English
Homework: Write the recipe of your own 'signature dish'.

Helppoa englannin keskustelua
Homework:  Think of good reasons why Finland is the best country in the world.

Helppoa englannin kertausta (Destinations 3)
Homework: Lisätehtävä 5

7pm Keskitason englantia: Stepping Stones 2
Homework: 1C and 3C pp. 93-95

Wed 28 February
Stepping Stones 1
Homework: 4C (p. 28)

Thu 1 March
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic to discuss

English for you too, 4
Homework: tasks  2, 4, 7 and 8 (pp. 94-98)

Destination 1
Homework: 4b (page 83), lisätehtävät 8 ja 9

Have a relaxing Winter Break!

Have a relaxing winter holiday! See you next week!

torstai 8. helmikuuta 2018

Week 7

Mon 12 February

English for you too, 4
Homework: Unit 6 text. Task 1 on page 94

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Think of a good sales promotion event. How could you sell your product better? How would you make your product attractive to customers?

Destination 2
Homework: task 6 on page 33.

Tue 13 February

Ten O'clock English
Homework: Ingredients to your favourite dish, omelette -text

Helppoa englannin keskustelua
Homework: Nutella -text 

Helppoa englannin kertausta (Destinations 3)
Homework: Words pp. 85-86, task 4, grammar pp. 88-89

7pm Keskitason englantia: Stepping Stones 2
Homework: Find a current news topic

Thu 15 February
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic to discuss

English for you too, 4
Homework: Unit 6 text. Task 1 on page 94

Destination 1
Homework: Lisätehtävä 13 + Finale -tehtävä

keskiviikko 31. tammikuuta 2018

Week 6

Mon 5 February

English for you too, 4
Homework: tasks 4, 9 and 10 (pp. 79-82)

English for Senior Citizens
Homework:  Think of different ways how tourists can be ripped off abroad?

Destination 2
Homework: Finale -tehtävät s. 28

Tue 6 February

Ten O'clock English
Homework: Think of 5 ways how to teach children about feelings

Helppoa englannin keskustelua
Homework: Kerro huonosta / ikävästä matkakokemuksesta (oma tai kuultu) 

Helppoa englannin kertausta (Destinations 3)
Homework: s. 64

7pm Keskitason englantia: Stepping Stones 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 3, harjoittele lauseet

Thu 8 February
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic to discuss

English for you too, 4
Homework: tasks 4, 9 and 10 (pp. 79-82)

Destination 1
Homework: Lisätehtävät 3, 10 ja 11

keskiviikko 24. tammikuuta 2018

Week 5

Mon 29 January

English for you too, 4
Homework: task 17 (page 69), Unit 5 text

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Make your own To-Do List (Things you should do) and Bucket List (things you'd like to do before you 'kick the bucket' (=die).

Destination 2
Homework: What's the time (p. 21), task 14 (p. 24), Back to work (p. 22)

Tue 30 January

Ten O'clock English
Homework: task 7 on page 80

Helppoa englannin keskustelua
Homework: Read the text. Make your own To-Do List (Things you should do) and Bucket List (things you'd like to do before you 'kick the bucket' (=die).

Helppoa englannin kertausta (Destinations 3)
Homework: Task 10 (58-59). Read and translate texts

7pm Keskitason englantia: Stepping Stones 2
Homework: Tasks 12 and 13 (p. 87)

Thu 1 February
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic

English for you too, 4
Homework: task 17 (page 69), Unit 5 text

Destination 1
Homework: Lisäharjoitus 13, harjoitus 5 sivulta 71

keskiviikko 17. tammikuuta 2018

Week 4

Mon 22 January

English for you too, 4
Homework: task 6 (p. 64), task 14 (p. 67)

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Sexual harassment -moniste

Destination 2
Homework: harjoitus 6 (s. 18) kirjoita 5 lausetta. + sanat s. 17

Tue 23 January

Ten O'clock English
Homework: p. 78-79 Agony Aunt. Read letters on page 79. Prepare to give advice.

Helppoa englannin keskustelua
Homework: Sexual harassment -moniste

Helppoa englannin kertausta (Destinations 3)
Homework: Lisätehtävä 2 (moniste)

7pm Keskitason englantia: Stepping Stones 2
Homework: 3A, 6A and 6C (pp. 79-80)

Thu 25January
More English
Homework: Prepare a news topic

English for you too, 4
Homework: task 6 (p. 64), task 14 (p. 67)

Destination 1
Homework: Lisätehtävät 2 ja 3

torstai 11. tammikuuta 2018

Infotilaisuus Cambridgen kielimatkasta ke 31.1.

Jos sinulta jäi paitsi Cambridgen kielimatkan infotilaisuus, ei hätää. Järjestämme yleisön pyynnöstä toisen infotilaisuuden Keravan Sampolassa ke 31.1. klo 17.30-18.30.

Voit ilmoittautua tilaisuuteen tästä

Week 3

Mon 27 November

English for you too, 4
Homework: Task 4, words on page 61.

English for Senior Citizens
Homework: Prepare to tell about a global issue. How to solve it?

Destination 2
Homework: Lisätehtävä 4

Tue 28 November

Ten O'clock English
Homework: One-Day Food Diary, task 5 (p. 70)

Thu 30 November
More English
Homework: Choose a current news topic.

English for you too, 4
Homework: Task 4 and 9, words on page 61.

Destination 1
Homework: page 66.

Week 10

  Monday 3.3.2025  11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...