keskiviikko 15. kesäkuuta 2016

Have a good summer

Hello everybody,

A month ago I promised that would post something here before I go on summer holiday. So, here it is!

Here's an interesting video about 'Food Idioms'. It's quite easy to understand. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Food Idioms

The following video is about 'Brexit' (Britain's exit from the EU). There will be a EU referendum (EU kansanäänestys) in the UK on June, 23th. This video teaches us some vocabulary of 'Brexit'.

Brexit vocabulary -video (B2-C1 level)

Here are also links to the courses. Remember to sign up!

Ilmoittautuminen Järvenpään Opiston syksyn kursseille

Keravan Opiston opinto-ohjelma

Have a good summer! See you in September!


Week 47

Monday 18.11.  11.45am  Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: lisätehtävät 4, 5 ja 8 5pm  Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework...