perjantai 13. toukokuuta 2016
Funny English
Here's a funny English video which teaches you spoken English. It's easy to follow as it has subtitles. If it's too long you can watch it in many parts. Enjoy and have a good summer.
I will post something on this blog in mid June.
Click here
Blogitekstit (Atom)
Week 10
Monday 3.3.2025 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...
This is my new blog! From now on you can find here... 1) your homework 2) English language material See you soon!
Week 41 Monday 7.10. 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homwork; Lisätehtävämoniste 1, Unit 4, teksti A 5pm Destinations 1 (Järv...