torstai 28. tammikuuta 2016

Week 4

Mon 25.1.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: text 8, 8A, 8B and 8C

2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Translate 'Fairy Tales' -article

Tue 26.1.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: 3.2.text, pp. 170-173

4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Prepare to talk about a story/fairy tale that you like.

5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

Thu 28.1.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

1pm Steps 3
Homework: tasks 11, 12 and 13
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: text 8, 8A, 8B and 8C

7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

torstai 21. tammikuuta 2016

Easy 'Where -questions'

Here's a video about how to make 'where' 'questions. (Easy)

Click here

Week 3

Mon 18.1.
12.30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: p. 47: Grammar, task 5; p 48: Task 6

2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: 'Nuisance calls' -handout, prepare to talk more about the topic!

Tue 19.1.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: 3.1B, 3.1C, 3.1D, 'Pronunciation' handout

4pm 'Helppoa Englannin keskustelua' (Kerava)
Homework: Translate 'Nuisance calls' handout

5.30pm 'More English' (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

Thu 21.1.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

1pm Steps 3
Homework: task 5, prepositiot s. 46, task 9
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: p. 47: Grammar, task 5; p 48: Task 6

7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

perjantai 15. tammikuuta 2016

Week 2

Mon 11.1.
12:30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: task 2A, 3ABC

2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'

Tue 12.1.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: Tasks 2.8 D, 3.1 text

Thu 14.1.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

1pm Steps 3
Homework: 4, 6 text and 7
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: 2A, 2C, 3ABC

7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

lauantai 2. tammikuuta 2016

Bournemouthin kielimatkainfo Keravan Opistolla ti 12.1. klo 18


Nyt on hyvä tilaisuus lähteä kielikurssille Englantiin. Jo perinteeksi muodostunut loppukevään kielimatka järjestetään tänä vuonna Bournemouthin kaupunkiin Etelä-Englantiin.

Tule mukaan kuulemaan matkasta lisää Keravan Opistolle ti 12.1. klo 18.

Lisätietoa matkasta tästä linkistä.

The Greatest Words and Phrases of 2015

Thank you all for the year 2015. I wish you all a Happy New Year 2016.
Here are some words that became famous in 2015. Hope you'll enjoy them.

Click here

Week 10

  Monday 3.3.2025  11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...