keskiviikko 30. syyskuuta 2015

Love Idioms - English vocabulary

Here's a link where you can find lots of love related words and sayings.

Click here

Week 40

Mon 28.9.
12:30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: tasks 10 and 11

2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Translate 'Dieting' -handout

Tue 29.9.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: p. 126-128 Indirect questions, task 2.3C.

4pm. Helppoa Englannin keskustelua (Kerava)
Homework: Valmistaudu kertomaan joku paikallinen uutinen englanniksi.

5.30pm More English (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

Thu 1.10.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

1pm Steps 3
Homework: Tasks 9, 10, 11 and 12
6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: 10 and 11 

7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

lauantai 26. syyskuuta 2015

maanantai 21. syyskuuta 2015

Week 39

Mon 21.9.
12:30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: 7, 7A and 7B

2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Translate 'Immigration' -handout

Tue 22.9.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: p. 122, text and grammar on pages 123-125.

4pm. Helppoa Englannin keskustelua (Kerava)
Homework: Translate the article 'Obesity'.

5.30pm More English (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

Thu 24.9.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

1pm Steps 3
Text 6, vuosilukumoniste

6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: 7, 7A and 7B

7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

tiistai 15. syyskuuta 2015

Week 38

Mon 14.9.
12:30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: tasks 4B, 5A, 5C (page 12-14)

2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Translate 'Airbag' -handout

Tue 15.9.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: text & exercises on pages 118-121.

4pm. Helppoa Englannin keskustelua (Kerava)
Homework: Listen and translate the 'Immigration' text from the link below.

5.30pm More English (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

Thu 17.9.
10am 'More English'
Follow 'Refugee' news during the week and prepare to talk about it next week.
1pm Steps 3
Homework: Harjoittele ulkoa vastakohta-adjektiivit monisteesta 

6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: tasks 3C, 4B, 5A and 5C

7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

lauantai 12. syyskuuta 2015

Three videos

1. Why Are Brits So Obsessed with Tea (Level B2-C1, Advanced)

Click here

2. 12 Expressions with Colours in English (Level B2, Upper-Intermediate)

Click here

3. The Difference between Lend and Borrow (Level A2, Pre-Intermediate)

Click here

tiistai 8. syyskuuta 2015

Week 37

Mon 7.9.
12:30pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: task 1 and 2 (pages 8-9)

2pm 'English Club for Senior Citizens'
Homework: Translate 'Middle age' -handout

Tue 8.9.
10am 'Ten O'clock English'
Homework: Exercises on pages 116-117.

4pm. Helppoa Englannin keskustelua (Kerava)

Homework: Prepare top tell your group about something that has happened in Finland or in the world during the week.

5.30pm More English (Kerava)
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

Thu 10.9.
10am 'More English'
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

1pm Steps 3
HomeworkTask 2 (page 13)

6pm 'Stepping Stones'
Homework: task 1 and 2 (pages 8-9)

7.30pm 'Rohkaistu puhumaan Englantia"
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group.
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

tiistai 1. syyskuuta 2015

Week 36

Tue 1.8.

4pm. Helppoa Englannin keskustelua

- Bring (or take a picture of) a small item (souvenir, memento, keepsake etc. ) that is important to you. Prepare to tell your group about it.

- Translate the "Aging Quotes". Link below.

- OPTIONAL: Translate the handout 'Middle age'

5.30pm More English

Prepare a current news topic of your own choice and prepare to share it in a group. 
Note: It should not take more than 3-4 minutes!

Week 10

  Monday 3.3.2025  11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...