perjantai 27. maaliskuuta 2015
Week 13
Mon 23.3.
Steps 3: Tasks 9 and 11, text 15 (p. 187-191)
English Club for Senior Citizens: Translate 'Japanese Government' -handout, Finnish Animals
Tue 24.3.
Grammar to Go: p. 110-112, Finnish animals
Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava): Grammar: task 31, Chapter 4: tasks 22, ,23 and 24
More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Thu 26.3.
More English (Järvenpää) Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Steps 2: Homework: Tasks 14 and 15 (p. 172-173)
Steps 3: Homework: p. 192-193, Stop & Think 3: Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4 (p. 172-173)
Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice.
lauantai 21. maaliskuuta 2015
9 British Dishes Everyone Should Try
Some people say that British food has a bad reputation. Anyway, here are some British dishes you should try when you travel to the UK...
Watch here
English with Mr. Duncan
This is definitely one of the best English learning Youtube-channels that I've seen. Mr. Duncan is funny and his pronunciation is very clear and you always learn something new from him. This is just one example of his great videos....
Watch here
Week 12
Mon 16.3.
Steps 3: Tasks 4, 5 and 7 (pp. 182-185)
English Club for Senior Citizens: Translate the Circus Elephants -handout.
Tue 17.3.
Grammar to Go: pp. 104-109
Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava): pp. 167-169, Chapter 4 text 2 pp. 78-80
More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Thu 19.3.
More English (Järvenpää) Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Steps 2: Homework: pp. 170-171, prepositio -moniste
Steps 3: Homework: task 9 p. 187, text 15 p. 191
Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
lauantai 14. maaliskuuta 2015
Political correctness
Nowadays you have to be careful about what kind of words you use. In short, you have to be politically correct!
Watch here
Learn something you won't find in any of your English textbooks!
Going to the toilet. Everyone of us do it every day but why toilet-related words are never taught in English books?
Watch here
perjantai 13. maaliskuuta 2015
Week 11
Mon 9.3.
Steps 3: Tasks 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 (pp. 165-168)
English Club for Senior Citizens: Write about your favourite book. Translate the 'The Catcher in the Rye' -handout.
Tue 10.3.
Grammar to Go: pp. 101-103
Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava): pp. 132-136
More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Thu 12.3.
More English (Järvenpää) Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Steps 2: Homework: p. 166 (Task 2), pp. 168-169
Steps 3: Homework: pp. 183-186
Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
torstai 5. maaliskuuta 2015
Week 10
Mon 2.3.
Steps 3: Tasks 12, 13, 14 and 15 (pp. 162-163)
English Club for Senior Citizens: Write a story about your family and relatives.
Tue 3.3.
Grammar to Go: Other Modals (pp. 99-100)
Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava): Tasks 3 and 5 (p 128-129), Proverbs pages 105-130
More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Thu 5.3.
More English (Järvenpää) Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Steps 2: Kirjoita lauseet jaetusta monisteesta. Jatka lauseita toisen monisteen kysymyksillä ja vastaa vielä kysymyksiin omin sanoin.
Steps 3: Tasks 19, 20, 21 and 22 (p. 165-)
Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Blogitekstit (Atom)
Week 10
Monday 3.3.2025 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...
This is my new blog! From now on you can find here... 1) your homework 2) English language material See you soon!
Week 41 Monday 7.10. 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homwork; Lisätehtävämoniste 1, Unit 4, teksti A 5pm Destinations 1 (Järv...