maanantai 23. helmikuuta 2015

Week 9

Mon 23.2.

Steps 3: page 157

English Club for Senior Citizens: Translate 'All in the Family' -handout.
Watch the following episode of 'All in the Family'. (Huom! Jos videossa ei ole tekstitystä, saat sen valitsemalla 'Tekstitykset' Youtube -kuvaruudun alapalkista.) 

Watch here

Tue 24.2.

Ten O'clock English: Modals: loput tehtävistä

Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava): Chapter 7: text 1 & task 1

More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)

Thu 26.2.

More English (Järvenpää)

Steps 2: Stop and Think: tasks 5 and 6, Lisäharjoitus 3 -moniste

Steps 3: Task 12 (write sentences), 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 pp. 162-164

Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)

sunnuntai 22. helmikuuta 2015

Maanantain tunnit vielä toistaiseksi Järvenpää -talolla

Kokonnumme siis edelleen maanantai-ryhmien kanssa Järvenpää -talolla, kunnes uudet tilamme Opistolla ovat valmiit. Alunperin meidän piti päästä uusiin tiloihin talviloman jälkeen, mutta toistaiseksi voimme vain odotella...

t. Janne

maanantai 16. helmikuuta 2015

Have a nice Winter holiday!

This week (week 8) there are no lessons because of the winter holiday!

Week 7

Mon 9.2.

Steps 3: Task 1 Make four sentences p. 152, text 9, task 10 pp. 159-160

English Club for Senior Citizens: Think of differences between British and American English, Write a letter to your old pen-friend.

Tue 10.2.

Ten O'clock English: Modals pp. 90-95

Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava):  Info p. 119, tasks 14, 15, 16, prepare to talk about 18

More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)

Thu 12.2.

More English (Järvenpää)

Steps 2: Stop and Think: tasks 2,3 and 4

Steps 3: Write sentences about the weather in Australia p. 157, task 7, text 9. task 10

Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)

torstai 5. helmikuuta 2015

Differences Between British and American Pronunciation

Here are some differences between British and American pronunciation.

Week 6

Mon 2.2.

Steps 3: Text 18, Tasks 19, 20, 21 pp. 144-147

English Club for Senior Citizens: Translate 'Small Talk' -handout

Tue 3.2.

Ten O'clock English: Task 1.18E p. 85, Over to You p. 84

Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava):  Tasks 7, 8 and 9 p. 114-115

More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)

Thu 5.2.

More English (Järvenpää)

Steps 2: Tasks 18 and 19 p. 154-155

Steps 3: Make four sentences (Mitä teet eri vuodenaikoina?) p. 152, Harjoittele Lisäharjoitus 2 lauseet.

Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)

Week 10

  Monday 3.3.2025  11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...