maanantai 23. helmikuuta 2015
Week 9
Mon 23.2.
Steps 3: page 157
English Club for Senior Citizens: Translate 'All in the Family' -handout.
Watch the following episode of 'All in the Family'. (Huom! Jos videossa ei ole tekstitystä, saat sen valitsemalla 'Tekstitykset' Youtube -kuvaruudun alapalkista.)
Watch here
Tue 24.2.
Ten O'clock English: Modals: loput tehtävistä
Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava): Chapter 7: text 1 & task 1
More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Thu 26.2.
More English (Järvenpää)
Steps 2: Stop and Think: tasks 5 and 6, Lisäharjoitus 3 -moniste
Steps 3: Task 12 (write sentences), 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 pp. 162-164
Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
sunnuntai 22. helmikuuta 2015
Maanantain tunnit vielä toistaiseksi Järvenpää -talolla
Kokonnumme siis edelleen maanantai-ryhmien kanssa Järvenpää -talolla, kunnes uudet tilamme Opistolla ovat valmiit. Alunperin meidän piti päästä uusiin tiloihin talviloman jälkeen, mutta toistaiseksi voimme vain odotella...
t. Janne
maanantai 16. helmikuuta 2015
Week 7
Mon 9.2.
Steps 3: Task 1 Make four sentences p. 152, text 9, task 10 pp. 159-160
English Club for Senior Citizens: Think of differences between British and American English, Write a letter to your old pen-friend.
Tue 10.2.
Ten O'clock English: Modals pp. 90-95
Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava): Info p. 119, tasks 14, 15, 16, prepare to talk about 18
More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Thu 12.2.
More English (Järvenpää)
Steps 2: Stop and Think: tasks 2,3 and 4
Steps 3: Write sentences about the weather in Australia p. 157, task 7, text 9. task 10
Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
torstai 5. helmikuuta 2015
Differences Between British and American Pronunciation
Here are some differences between British and American pronunciation.
Week 6
Mon 2.2.
Steps 3: Text 18, Tasks 19, 20, 21 pp. 144-147
English Club for Senior Citizens: Translate 'Small Talk' -handout
Tue 3.2.
Ten O'clock English: Task 1.18E p. 85, Over to You p. 84
Pat and Polly 2 (Kerava): Tasks 7, 8 and 9 p. 114-115
More English (Kerava): Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Tue: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Thu 5.2.
More English (Järvenpää)
Steps 2: Tasks 18 and 19 p. 154-155
Steps 3: Make four sentences (Mitä teet eri vuodenaikoina?) p. 152, Harjoittele Lisäharjoitus 2 lauseet.
Rohkaistu puhumaan:
Prepare a current news topic of your own choice. Next Thursday: Share it with your group (3-4 minutes)
Blogitekstit (Atom)
Week 10
Monday 3.3.2025 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homework: Unit 6, text B page 96 5pm Destinations 1 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homewo...
This is my new blog! From now on you can find here... 1) your homework 2) English language material See you soon!
Week 41 Monday 7.10. 11.45am Destinations 4 (Järvenpään Opisto) Homwork; Lisätehtävämoniste 1, Unit 4, teksti A 5pm Destinations 1 (Järv...